About No Kidding! Chester County, PA

We are the Chester County, PA chapter of NO KIDDING!, an all-volunteer non-profit social club for couples and singles who, for any reason, have never had children. Membership is open to anyone who is not a parent. More than 200 people are on the No Kidding Chester County Chapters' membership list, with 20-40 attending the monthly events and interest continues to grow. The group includes some regularly sceduled events, such as the monthly Women's Dinner and the Book Club.

Barbara Arnold: Coordinator, Event Planning

Kirsten Stevens: Evite Distribution/Mailing List

Tracey Holland: Book Club Coordinator, Women's Dinner Coordinator

Bonnie Keyser: Social Media

Nicole Talmadge-Kellett: Recruitment and Meet-Ups

Bill Arnold: Web Design

Jay Kellett: Web Design

Chris Payne: Web Design

Joining No Kidding! Chester County, PA

First, Contact Barbara Arnold to be added to the membership list.

For more information, follow/like our Public Facebook Page.

After attending your first event, join other members on the Members Only Facebook Group to discuss current events and future planning.

About No Kidding! International

More information can be found about the larger organization at: http://www.nokidding.net/

Our Very Limited Liability Policy

No Kidding attempts to plan a variety of events for a variety of interesting people at a variety of interesting locations. As such. events are attended entirely at your own risk. We make no warranty about the suitability of any given event for any given member. No Kidding, its founders, members, and hosts assume no liability or responsibility of any kind for anyone, member, non-member or guest, attending functions or activities. In most cases we do not have any ownership of the location and do not carry any insurance beyond what the location itself may carry. We expect all attendees to exercise good judgement in what they bring and wear (ie, hiking trips require suitable footwear and clothing). We pride ourselves on being a friendly and outgoing group accepting of people of any background, lifestyle, color, or shape. We kindly ask that any unsafe, discriminatory, or antagonistic behavior be brought to the attention of the event host as soon as possible. Any opinions voiced are purely those of the individuals and do not represent No Kidding in any way.